Our Goal...
...Your smile
at the End of the Tunnel
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D2 Consult Prague was founded in 1998. Since 2007 it is an independent consulting company owned by Czech subjects with minority participation of D2 Consult, Dr. Wagner, Dr. Schulter ZT GmbH.
The company is focused on preparation, financing, design, and construction of underground structures (tunnels, caverns, adits, shafts, etc.) and geotechnics in general.
Our employees are actively involved in Working Groups of the Czech Tunnelling Association ITA - AITES.
Chartered civil engineer Martin Srb, M.Sc. is the chief executive officer (CEO) and partner of the company from the start.
International Conference
Transport and City Tunnels
The Czech ITA-AITES Tunnelling Association in cooperation with the Slovak ITA-AITES Tunnelling Association organised the 11th International Conference "Underground Constructions Prague 2010" which was held in Prague from 14th to 16th June 2010. The programme included two days of meetings in sections, specialised exhibition, poster presentation and a technical excursion.
Our employees were also involved in the conference preparation. Dr. Matous Hilar was the Scientific Council Chairman, Mr. Martin Srb coordinated the technical section 2 (Design and implementation of underground constructions - mechanised tunnelling). Dr. Harald Wagner from D2 Consult Linz was involved in a preparation of the section 6 (Contractual relationships, funding and insurance of underground structures), where he gave the invited presentation.
Conference attracted 480 registered participants, 60 presentations were presented in tow days, 171 published articles from 25 countries were published in the conference proceedings. More detailes about the conference including photos can be found on CzTA ITA/AITES.
| 31.08.2010 |
Award in United Kingdom
British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) awards various awards for papers and publishes these papers in ICE proceedings. The Telford Premium Medal was instituted in 1835 following a bequest made by Thomas Telford, ICE's first President. After provision has been made for the Telford Medal (ICE's highest award for a paper), the remaining income from the Telford endowment fund is used to provide annually up to four money prizes and certificates, in connection with papers presented to ICE.
This year Telford Premium Medal was awarded to our employee Dr. Matous Hilar, MSc., PhD., CEng., MICE for the paper "Evaluation of innovative sprayed-concrete-lined tunnelling" published in impacted magazine Geotechnical Engineering 2/2008. Coauthors of paper are Dr. Benoit D Jones MEng., EngD., Dr. Alun H Thomas, BA, PhD., CEng., MICE and Dr. Yu Sheng Hsu BEng., ACGI, PhD., CEng., MICE. The ICE Award Ceremony was held in London on 23rd October 2009.
| 28.12.2009 |
Prague Ring Road
Tunnels on Lots 513 and 514
8 December 2006 an excavation of the Slivenec tunnel started. The tunnel is major structure of the Lot 514 on the Prague Ring Road situated in the south of the City. Our company participates on construction of tunnels on Prague Ring Road as technical assistance of the client - Road and Motorway Directorate of CR.
| 15.06.2007 | More - Lot 513 | More - Lot 514 |
New Connection Prague - Beroun
The Longest Czech Railway Tunnel
The section Prague - Beroun is a part of the third railway corridor, Prague - Plzeň - Cheb - Germany. Requirement for the high-speed track parameters led to the conclusion that current route along the Berounka River can not serve to this purpose. The new route will lead mostly 24,7 km long highspeed railway tunnel.
| 15.06.2007 | More |